1. When the Lord comes, he will bring to light things now hidden in darkness, and will disclose the purposes of the heart. In that light we confess our sins.
  2. Jesus says, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is close at hand. So let us turn away from sin and turn to him, confessing our sins in penitence and faith.


  1. Lord Jesus, you came to gather the nations
    into the peace of your kingdom:
    Lord, have mercy.
    Lord, have mercy.

    You come in word and sacrament
    to strengthen us in holiness:
    Christ, have mercy.
    Christ, have mercy.

    You will come in glory
    with salvation for your people:
    Lord, have mercy.
    Lord have mercy.

  2. Turn to us again, O God our Saviour,
    and let your anger cease from us.
    Lord, have mercy.
    Lord, have mercy.

  3. Show us your mercy, O Lord,
    and grant us your salvation:
    Christ, have mercy.
    Christ, have mercy.

  4. Your salvation is near for those that fear you,
    that glory may dwell in our land:
    Lord, have mercy.
    Lord have mercy.


  1. In joyful expectation of his coming to our aid
    we pray to Jesus, saying,
    Come, Lord Jesus.

    Come to your Church as Lord and Judge.
    We pray for ...
    Help us to live in the light of your coming
    and give us a longing for your rule.
    Come, Lord Jesus.

    Come to your world as King of the nations.
    We pray for ...
    Before you rulers will stand in silence.
    Come, Lord Jesus.

    Come to your people with a message of victory and peace.
    We pray for ...
    Give us the victory over death, temptation and evil.
    Come, Lord Jesus.

    Come to us as Saviour and Comforter.
    We pray for ...
    Break in to those areas of our lives
    where we live with failure and distress,
    and set us free to serve you for ever.
    Come, Lord Jesus.

    Come to us from heaven with power and great glory,
    to lift us up to meet you,
    with all your saints and angels,
    to live with you for ever.
    Come, Lord Jesus.

  2. This litany is based on the Advent Antiphons, and thus may appropriately be used from 17 December onwards. It may be used as it stands, or biddings may be inserted before each section.

    Our Lord says, 'Surely I am coming quickly. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

    O Wisdom, Breath of the Most High, pervading and permeating all creation; come and make us friends of God.

    Maranatha: come, Lord Jesus.*

    O Lord of lords and Leader of the house of Israel, who appeared to Moses in the burning bush and gave him your law on Sinai; come and save us with your mighty arm.

    Maranatha: come, Lord Jesus.

    O Root of Jesse, standing as a signal to the nations, before you all kings are silent, to you the nations will do homage; come and save us, delay no longer.

    Maranatha: come, Lord Jesus.

    O Key of David and Ruler of the house of Israel, when you open no one can close, when you close no one can open; come and proclaim liberty to the captives and set free the oppressed:

    Maranatha: come, Lord Jesus.

    O Rising Sun, Splendour of eternal light and Sun of justice; come and give light to those who live in darkness and the shadow of death:

    Maranatha: come, Lord Jesus.

    O King of the nations, the Ruler they long for, the Cornerstone binding all together; come and save the people you fashioned from the dust of the earth:

    Maranatha: come, Lord Jesus.

    O Emmanuel, our King and our Lawgiver, the Anointed of the nations and their Saviour; come and save us, O Lord our God:
    Maranatha: come, Lord Jesus.

    The Spirit and the Bride say, 'Come!':
    Maranatha: come, Lord Jesus.

    Lord, you are the one who is to come:
    Maranatha: come, Lord Jesus.

    Come, O Lord, and visit us in peace:
    that we may rejoice before you with a perfect heart.

    Come, Lord Jesus, do not delay;
    give new courage to your people
    who trust in your love.
    By your coming, raise us
    to the joy of your kingdom,
    where you live and reign,
    with the Father and the Spirit,
    one God for ever and ever. Amen.

    May the Lord when he comes find us watching and waiting. Amen.

    * or Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.


  1. In the tender compassion of our God

    the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
    to shine on those who dwell in darkness
    and the shadow of death,
    and to guide our feet into the way of peace.

  2. The God of peace make us holy in all things
    that we may be ready at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


  1. And now we give you thanks
    because you sent him to redeem us from sin and death,
    and to make us heirs of everlasting life;
    that when he shall come again in power and great triumph
    to judge the world,
    we may with joy behold his appearing,
    and in confidence may stand before him.

  2. And now we give you thanks because he is the Saviour.
    In your mercy and faithfulness
    you have promised to us after the fall
    that his truth might instruct the ignorant,
    his holiness purify sinners,
    and his strength sustain the weak.
    Since the time is at hand when the one whom you sent should come,
    since the day of our deliverance has begun to dawn,
    full of confidence in your promises, we exult with joy.

  3. And now we give you thanks
    because you anointed Jesus Christ,
    your only Son, as priest and king.
    Crowned with thorns, he offered his life upon the cross,
    that he might draw all people
    into that kingdom where now he reigns in glory.

  4. And now we give you thanks
    because you anointed Jesus Christ, your only Son,
    as the eternal priest and king of all.
    As a priest he offered up his life on the cross,
    that by his one sacrifice
    he might present to you an eternal kingdom;
    a kingdom of truth and life;
    a kingdom of justice, love and peace.

  5. And now we give you thanks
    because when he humbled himself to come among us as a man,
    he fulfilled the plan you formed long ago
    and opened for us the way of salvation.
    So now we watch for the day
    knowing that the salvation promised us will be ours
    when Christ our Lord will come again in glory. .PA
    f.And now we give you thanks
    because his future coming was proclaimed by all the prophets.
    The virgin mother bore him in her womb
    with love beyond all telling.
    John the Baptist was his herald
    and made him known when at last he came.
    In his love Christ has filled us with joy
    as we prepared to celebrate his birth,
    so that when he comes he may find us watching in prayer,
    our hearts filled with wonder and praise.

  6. And now we give you thanks
    because your Son our Lord was awaited by the prophets,
    announced by an angel,
    conceived by a virgin,
    and proclaimed at last to men and women of every race.


  1. Almighty God, by your gift
    the tree of life was set at the heart of the earthly paradise,
    and the bread of life was set at the heart of your Church.
    Let this divine nourishment bring us,
    not to judgement, but to life eternal;
    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  2. Generous God,
    you have fed us at your heavenly table.
    Kindle us with the fire of your Spirit
    that when Christ comes again
    we may shine like lights before his face;
    who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
    one God, now and for ever.

  3. Loving Father,
    your Son Jesus Christ has come to us
    in word and Spirit, in bread and cup.
    Preserve us from condemnation in body and soul
    when he comes to judge the living and the dead.

  4. Gracious Lord,
    in this holy sacrament
    you give substance to our hope.
    Bring us at the last
    to that pure life for which we long;
    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  5. God our Father,
    whose Son was born into the world to free us from sin and death,
    and to bring us to everlasting life;
    purify us by his perfect sacrifice,
    that, when he comes in power and glory,
    we may greet him without shame or fear;
    through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    The Book of Common Prayer orders the use of the Collect for Advent Sunday throughout the season, but more recent provision allows only one collect at the beginning of the eucharist. Those who value the tradition of the Advent collect throughout the season may appropriately use it as a Post Communion prayer.


  1. May God the Father,
    who loved the world so much that he sent his only Son,
    give you grace to prepare for life eternal. Amen.

    May God the Son,
    who comes to us as Redeemer and Judge,
    reveal to you the path from darkness to light. Amen.

    May God the Holy Spirit,
    by whose working the Virgin Mary conceived the Christ,
    help you bear the fruits of holiness. Amen.

    And the blessing of God almighty,
    the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
    be upon you and remain with you always. Amen.

  2. May God the Father, Judge all merciful
    make us worthy of a place in his kingdom. Amen.

    May God the Son, coming among us in power,
    reveal in our midst the promise of his glory. Amen.

    May God the Holy Spirit make us steadfast in faith,
    joyful in hope and constant in love. Amen.

    And the blessing of God almighty,
    the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
    be upon you and remain with you always. Amen.

  3. Christ the Sun of Righteousness shine upon you,
    scatter the darkness from your path,
    and make you ready to meet him when he comes in glory;
    and the blessing of God almighty,
    the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
    be upon you and remain with you always. Amen.

  4. May God himself, the God of peace,
    make you perfect and holy;
    and keep you safe and blameless, in spirit, soul and body,
    for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ;
    and the blessing of God almighty,
    the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
    be upon you and remain with you always. Amen.