

This Litany of Thanksgiving is appropriate for various occasions. It is particularly suitable for use at Morning or Evening Prayer at All Saints' tide.

V Let us bless the Lord,
R Thanks be to God.

For Abraham and Sarah, our ancestors in faith,
journeying into the unknown, yet trusting God's promises:

For Jacob, deceitful younger brother, yet chosen by God,
father of those called by no virtue of their own:

For Moses the lawgiver and Aaron the priest,
who led the people of Israel to freedom and the promised land:

For Esther and Deborah, saviours of their nation,
and for all who dare to act courageously at God's call:

For Isaiah, John the Baptist and all the prophets,
who spoke your truth no matter the cost:

For Mary the Virgin, full of grace,
called to be the Mother of the Lord:

For Andrew and John and the first disciples,
who left all to follow Jesus:

For Mary Magdalene, Salome and Mary,
first witnesses of the resurrection,
and for all who bear witness to Christ:

For Peter and Paul and all the apostles,
who preached the gospel to Jew and Gentile:

For the writers of the gospels,
and for all who bring the faith of Christ alive for each generation:

For Stephen and Alban and the whole army of martyrs,
who have faced death for love of Christ:

For Augustine and Aidan, Boniface and Patrick,
and for all who have carried the gospel to this and other lands:

For Aelred and Bernard,
and for all who live and teach the love of God:

For Anselm and Richard Hooker,
and for all who reveal to us the depths of God's wisdom:

For Benedict and Francis, Hilda and Bede,
and for all who deepen our common life in Christ:

For Julian of Norwich and Teresa of Avila,
and for all who renew our vision of the mystery of God:

For Thomas Cranmer
and all who reform the Church of God;

for Thomas More
and all who hold firm to its continuing faith:

For Gregory and Dunstan, George Herbert and John Keble,
and for all who praise God in poetry and song:

For Lancelot Andrewes, John Wesley and Charles Simeon,
and for all who preach the word of God:

For William Wilberforce and Josephine Butler,
and for all who work to transform the world:

For Monica and for Mary Sumner,
and for all who nurture faith in home and family:

For the martyrs and peacemakers of our own time,
who shine as lights in the darkness:

For all the unsung heroes of our faith,
whose names are known to God alone:

For all those in our own lives
who have brought us to this time and place
and shown to us the way of holiness:

(For NN...)

Let us praise them with thankful hearts:
And glorify our God in whom they put their trust.



May the infinite and glorious Trinity,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
direct our life in good works,
and after our journey through this world,
grant us eternal rest with the saints. Amen.