Come to the celebration, all who are hungry


Come to the celebration, all who are hungry,
the best wine is ready, and the loaves of bread;
here he comes, the bridegroom, to welcome the people,
to share out the food and see that all are fed.

Who is invited to the house of the bridegroom,
to live while the dead are left to bury the dead?
Beggars from the roadside, amazed at the asking,
are called to the table where the feast is spread.

What kind of party is this wedding reception?
The first are the last and yet the last are first.
Royal guests of honour are standing and waiting
until all the servants satisfy their thirst.

When shall we come along to share in the feasting?
The day is today, the doors are open wide.
Endless the rejoicing at this celebration -
the Lord is the bridegroom, and his Church the bride.

Come empty-handed when you come to the table;
the drink flows forever, there is ample food.
Taste the wine of heaven and never be thirsty,
and see, as we break the bread, that God is good!

Words: © Marnie Barrell, 1989

Music: St. Catherine's Court, Cana

Meter: 12 11 12 11

This hymn is reproduced here with the kind permission of the author; if you wish to reproduce it further, please apply for permission by sending her an email.

Website compiled by Steve Benner, 1999-2001.